Kicking off a 5-week BODYWEIGHT series of White Label Workouts (free resource) …

Hi Coachies,

Ro here … The Online Fitness Specialist and creator of  Coming at ya today with this week’s White Label Workout  – a free resource I send out to coaches, with tons of love,  every week.

This week I’m kicking off a 5-week series with our WOWs  … all about BODYWEIGHT workouts …  and focusing on the key foundational principles of fitness:

  • Strength
  • Power
  • Balance
  • Agility 
  • Coordination
  • Endurance
  • Flexibility & Mobility

Each week I’ll be sending you the next installment in this series.  Today I’m kicking things off with POWER!

Here are your links to EDIT & DOWNLOAD this week’s FREE workout:

Click here to access your editable HORIZONTAL video in Canva >

Click here to access your editable VERTICAL video in Canva >

How to use this FREE RESOURCE?

These WOWs (workouts of the week) are here for you to use in your business to help attract and engage your audience … and lead into sales & income for YOU.

  1. Click on the links above and edit the videos to match your business.  I provide both horizontal and vertical videos.  Use whichever suits your needs in your business best.  
  1. Drop in your logo and contact information, change any font,  colors or styles to match your brand, and make any other edits you’d like.  You have full freedom to make these videos your own.
  1. Download your edited videos
  1. Share them!  You can post these videos on social media, send them to clients, post them in a fitness app, or however else you’d like some extra fitness content.
  1. Stay tuned for next week when another WOW comes out  … and repeat

Today marks our FIRST installment in the BODYWEIGHT series – and it’s all about POWER.  Over the next 5 weeks I’ll be sharing other workouts for you to use, all focused on the other key principles of fitness – so be sure to watch for those to complete your series.  

Yes – this is all FREE for you to use, and my way of saying THANK YOU for being awesome as a coach and helping to spread GOODNESS into people’s lives.

NOTE!!  These BODYWEIGHT workouts are actually designed to help YOU attract & engage your audience, then easily convert them into sales of online fitness programs.  They are designed to be used in a funnel, to help lead into a sale, for YOU.  Income for YOU.  

Use these workouts to promote whatever you are currently selling – whether it’s your own workouts, or an app, or anything else you are sharing with your clients.  

If you need content – a DONE FOR YOU fitness program to sell, to help put money in YOUR pocket, keep reading my friend …

I’m just launching my newest White Label Online Fitness Program .. and these WOWs lead perfectly into it!  It’s called BODYWEIGHT Blast 2.0.  It’s 8 weeks of online workouts, all bodyweight, and again focusing on these same foundational principles of fitness.  It is such a FUN program .. coaches AND clients are LOVING it!!!

Learn more about the White Label BODYWEIGHT online workout program here >

The Online Fit Pro’s Business Blueprint:

Looking for a constant flow of done-for-you fitness content?  The Online Fit Pro’s Business Blueprint is PACKED with fitness content to help with all stages of the customer lifecycle.  From attracting with social media content … to engaging in fitness challenges … to converting & supporting your clients in full online fitness programs.  Content is delivered each month over an entire year!  

Yes – every month you get even more content!  Over a year!  12 months of Done-For-You content to explode your online fitness business!!

The doors on January content are only open for ONE more week – with the Tabata Online Fitness Program, The Functional Fitness Program, AND the Gold Star 21 Day Challenge.  I’m closing the doors on January content next Sunday … so if you’re wanting to grab this content, you have just 7 days left to get it.  Then we’re changing over to February content with the new BODYWEIGHT program, a 21 day Push Up challenge, a Heat-Pumping challenge (just in time for LOVE month) and a MASSIVE Social Media MEGA pack!!  I tell you … PACKED with content!

Learn more about the contstant flow of new online fitness content in the Online Fit Pro’s Business Blueprint here: >

Got questions?  Looking for extra support?  Want to hang out with other coaches?  Join the White Label Workouts community on Facebook.  I often go LIVE here with updates, I give exclusive content and discounts, and it’s a great place to hang out.  We’d love to have you in the community.  

Join the White Label Workouts Facebook Community >

Go rock out this week’s WOW – and continue being the AWESOME coach and person you are!! 

xoxoxo ~ Ro ~ The Online Fitness Specialist