Day 7 DOUBLE Deal: Bodyweight Workout Program AND Push Up Challenge – 55% off!

Coming at ya with another DOUBLE DEAL DAY!!  For Day 7 – your deal is the BODYWEIGHT White Label Workout Program AND the 21 Day PUSH UP Challenge!

Another super common excuse we get as trainers is … “I don’t have any equipment on hand to do my workout” … whether it be at home – or they’re traveling – or at work. 

So having a program of pure bodyweight workouts in your toolbelt is HUGE benefit for your business!!

Plus – this program is so so fun!  AND so powerful at getting clients results!

What you’ll get with the White Label BODYWEIGHT Workout Program:

8 weeks of bodyweight workouts – with ALL THE WORKOUT VIDEOS included!  You get 8 full length workout videos – approx 30 minutes each.  That’s over 240 minutes of workout videos!  PLUS the workout calendar, tracking sheets, client success guide, marketing plan and more!

And through this whole program – no equipment is needed.  No excuses.  Just resultsHealth results for your clients, and INCOME results for YOU having this program to sell!

ALL the content is white label!  It’s super quick & easy to edit – drop in your own logo – option to adjust any fonts, colors and styling to match your brand – then SELL!  You set your pricing for whatever works with your business.  Typically we find $49-99 works well. But test to see what works in your business.

But that’s not all!  Today is a DOUBLE DEAL!!

We’ve combined the Bodyweight workout program with the PUSH UP challenge!  

These 2 together are pure magic!  Use the push up challenge as a lead magnet to get people excited to buy your bodyweight program.  You’ll have them knocking down your door to get access.  

The push up challenge is an incredible challenge that meets your clients where they’re at.  No matter if they are a push up pro, or if they can’t even yet do a single one, the challenge will inspire them at their level , and build on it.  We break down the different components of the push up, working on perfecting form & technique, and then building up the endurance.  

As with all our content, this challenge is white label.  Brand it to you and share away!  Use it as an incredibly powerful business building tool.

Grab today’s DOUBLE DEAL … the Bodyweight White Label Workout Program AND the 21 Day Push Up Challenge for just $127!  That a savings of more than 55% off the regular price!

Hurry – like all the other deals in our 12 days of White Label Fitmas Deals, they only last for 24 hours!

The party continues … grab today’s double deal and we’ll see you tomorrow for day 8!!