CREEPY CARDIO! The Wow for Oct 3

Spooky month is here – and all our WOWs (Workout Of the Week) this month are going to have a bit of Halloween FUN mixed in!  Some ideas I’m playing around with are:

  • CandyCrusher Circuit
  • BOOty!

And a few others are cooking up my sleeve 🙂

How much FUN do those sound??  You’ll have to keep watching for the WOWs each week – to see which one is next 🙂

NOTE – I am providing you with BOTH options – a Halloween theme, and a standard theme in case you prefer to not use the theme.

This week we have CREEPY CARDIO! 

Or – the standard Cardio Circuit.

4 moves.  30 seconds each with a 15 second rest between. 

The moves are:

  • Flying Witches (Skate & Hop)
  • Beast Kicks
  • Dodging Zombies (Catchers)
  • Dead Bug

Repeat this circuit 3-5 times.

Here are your assets for this workout:

Want to include HOW-TO image tiles for these moves as well? 

These 4 exercises are part of the EPIC EXERCISE LIBRARY … along with over 100 more moves!  All exercises in our WOWs for this year come from this library – so it’s great to have – if you want to share this kind of content.  It is totally optional!  It is not necessary to share these with the WOW videos.  But … if you want the next level in content sharing, here it is 🙂  Click to order the EPIC EXERCISE LIBRARY > AND!  Use code WOWsave50 to save 50%!  Again – this is optional – but a great addition to your wows.

Go blast out the WOW for this week … and reply back letting me know which Halloween theme workout you’d like to see for next week 🙂

Ro 🙂