When I started White Label Workouts 4 years ago – my goal was to help fitness trainers transition their businesses online. It was during the pandemic and the gyms had just shut down. I created this company and all my white label workout products with the vision of giving back and helping other trainers. Transitioning online is a HUGE jump – and not all trainers were able to make it work. My goal was to help.
But it has become so much more.
Fitness is a key part of overall health – and I’m learning that coaches in every aspect of wellness (not just fitness coaches) have found a way to use my white label workouts to create another income stream for themselves, and be able to offer their clients unparalleled value when combined with their own complimentary service.
Take for example Ally and her team. Their main focus is essential oils. With white label workouts, her team has now built a complete wellness package that they give to their clients with their purchase of oils. It’s a bonus pack – with SO MUCH value! Combining essential oils, with meal plans, workouts and more! This is a recipe for success. Clients are feeling amazing and they keep coming back for more.
How do you make more money in your business? OFFER MORE VALUE. The more value you offer, the more your clients will pay. And the more clients you will get. This is a key business building concept.
Another recent client of mine has a large team that sell nutrition supplements. They are now building an app that hosts 21 day challenges – offering meal plans and workouts to support their clients in reaching their best results possible. This compliments their nutritional supplements perfectly – and keeps clients super engaged!
Ally & Trey are smart business owners – not fitness coaches. WhiteLabelWorkouts.com has enabled them to offer their clients fitness programs, in a way that they couldn’t do on their own.
This is just the beginning.
There are SO many other stories & ways my clients are using these workouts. I even have a few software developers I’m currently working with. They’re not coaches at all. Instead – they are internet marketers who just get it. They understand the importance of health & how lucrative online fitness is. They come to WhiteLabelWorkouts.com for the fitness content to host on their apps. And it seamlessly works.
The stories and ways people from all backgrounds, and all around the world, are pouring in. Maybe yours will be next?
I spent the holidays and really took a step back to dive deep into this. I went through a handful of my recent clients – to learn more about HOW they’re using my workouts – and how it’s really helping their business.
My mind is blown.
What started out as just a support tool for coaches during the pandemic has gotten so much bigger.
The opportunity for ANYONE to use these workouts, and get creative with merging them into their business, is truly awesome!
The one main rule I have – to ensure that this continues to work for everyone – is that all FULL workout videos MUST be behind a locked membership paywall. This ensures that none of the full workouts are searchable and findable out in internet land. This keeps things fair to everyone who wants to use these workouts in their business. You can be sure and confident that no one is posting them anywhere that will interfere with YOUR business. We are VERY on top of this – as I want this to be fair and lucrative for EVERYONE who wants it 🙂
What about YOU?
Have YOU been wanting to add fitness into your business? Would you like to start another stream of income, or be able to offer your clients MORE value?
Let’s strategize. Let’s get creative. Let’s work together and create a plan that works for YOU and your business. Let’s chat and brainstorm together.
None of this is just black and white and done one way. I’ve gotten SO CLEAR on that. All my clients are adding their own spin to it, and working these workouts into their business in such different, creative and inspiring ways.
My wheels are spinning so fast and I am SO JACKED UP about what is happening here – I can hardly sleep at night!! This has gotten bigger than I ever thought possible. And I couldn’t be more excited about it!
Let’s chat about YOUR business – and together create a plan CUSTOMIZED to you and what you’re looking to build. Email me at hello@whitelabelworkouts.com and let’s chat.
Questions? Comments? Feedback? I love hearing from you. Reach out, let’s chat and strategize how we can make this work in your business – no matter what business you are in. We can make it work 🙂
xoxo ~ Ro ~ Your Online Fitness Specialist