Your White Label Workout of the Week: Compound it!

For this week’s White label Workout- we’re blasting out compound exercises – meaning we’re combining 2 exercises together into 1 – targeting multiple muscle groups at the same time.

There are so many benefits to compound training … some to note are:

  • Coordination training –  We’re combining together either 2 lower, or a lower & upper move … so we really need to zone in on coordination & the mind body connection
  • Functional training – our bodies move through our days doing multiple things. So compound exercises train us much more functionally than when we zone in on just 1 exercise at a time – making our daily activities easier, safer & more efficient
  • Shorter workouts –  Since we’re compounding it, and working multiple exercises together, we can shorten our workout time.  Get in – sweat it out – and done!
  • RESULTS!!  Working multiple muscles together increases the effort expended – so we really amp up the intensity, metabolism, and results!!

Watch the video to see this week’s COMPOUND IT workout in action …

Want to Share this compound workout with your crew?

It’s quick & easy to edit and share in your business – branded to you.

Click the links below – either horizontal or vertical .. or both!  You will be directed to CANVA where you can easily make the edits save & share.

Click to edit & download the HORIZONTAL video >

Click to edit & download the VERTICAL video >

As with all our weekly workouts – you have full freedom and edit & share these workouts however you’d like.  Share on your social media – on your website, blog or app – with clients – or anywhere else you need some workout content.

My Top TIPS for using these white label workouts in your business:

Be sure to add your logo & contact info in the placeholder

Since it’s me in the video – simply say that I work for you on your team. I help you build & create your fitness content. You’re a smart coach for delegating & hiring a team 🙂

Also – be sure to edit the last screen to direct your crew to whatever you’re currently promoting. You may as well make some money from these videos, right?! Link them into your current promotions.

Don’t have anything to link them to? I can help with that too! Have you checked out the assortment of white label workout programs and done for you fitness challenges at I offer a whole suite of content for you to use in your business. Check it out –

CONTENT UPDATES for the week of May 1:

Apr 30 – the LAST DAY to get the White Label XpressFIT program on the Monthly membership in the Online Fit Pro’s Business Blueprint

May 1White Label STRENTH & MOBILITY gets added to the Blueprint and is available through the month of May as the content of the month in our Blueprint

May 1 – Pack 4 – COMPOUND IT is released to the #Fitspiration Content Club (this workout of the week is a teaser from this pack! If you liked this workout, definitely check out the content club)

May 1-20 – Development is underway in our latest white label workout program – the 3 week CORE SHRED!

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Special requests?

Reach out anytime! I am here in service to YOU – with my mission of helping you build your profitable online presence. Reach out anytime and let’s chat about how we can best make that happen.

Oooooo – I have SUCH a good feeling going into MAY! I think this MAY just be the BEST month ever!! You with me on that?? Let’s DO THIS!!

xoxo ~ Ro ~ The Online Fitness Specialist