We’re training BALANCE in this week’s FREE White Label Workout …

Hey – Ro here – the Online Fitness Specialist – coming at you with this week’s White Label Workout – a free resource for health & fitness coaches to brand as their own and share away 🙂  

If you’re seeing this – that means YOU are welcome to use this resource however you’d like in your business.  Drop in your logo – update any fonts, colors & styling to match your brand – and use this to help build your audience, get your clients moving, and build your online coaching business.

Today’s white label workout is week 3 in our 5-week series of bodyweight workouts – focusing on the key principles of fitness.  

  • Week 1 was POWER (click here if you missed it)
  • Week 2 was AGILITY & COORDINATION  (click here if you missed it)

This week we’re all about BALANCE! 

Balance is the ability to control & stabilize the body’s position.  Balance training is hugely important for EVERYONE!   It’s learning to feel the WOBBLE – to challenge it – to practice it – and to get stronger at balance to reduce risk of injury & help make daily activities easier & safer.

Some people think you just have good balance or bad balance – but in truth balance is something that needs to be trained.  I highly recommend adding balance into all clients’ routines.

So let’s challenge your crew to a balance workout this week:

Click HERE to edit & download the VERTICAL balance workout >

Click HERE to edit & download the HORIZONTAL balance workout >

These links will take you to CANVA files.  All you need is a free Canva account to be able to edit them.  It’s super easy & user friendly to do.  Simply click on the placeholder and add in your own logo ( be sure to do this on ALL pages ).  Then – you can click on any other element to change them as well – update colors, fonts, and anything else you’d like to match your branding.  Or – use as is.  Then click on the SHARE button and download the file.  You can then upload to your social, your website, your app, or anywhere else you’d like to share workout content.

Question – would you be interested in a CANVA training webinar – deep diving into how to best edit these files?  If enough people respond & request this, I will definitely plan one.  I’m not sure if it’s needed – Canva is pretty easy to navigate through … but if enough people want to learn more, I’m happy to teach 🙂  Let me know if you’re interested in a Canva walk-thru webinar (it will be another Free resource – I wouldn’t charge anything for this training. I’m just happy to help & serve) If interested, email me to let me know at hello@whitelabelworkouts.com

Is there anything else I can do to help & support you in building your online coaching business?  I’m here for you – anytime!  Reply to this email and let’s chat.  And – be sure to join our Facebook group 

Go blast out your BALANCE workout – and encourage your crew to have fun with the wobble 🙂  And have an absolutely outstanding week 🙂

Xoxo ~ Ro ~ The Online Fitness Specialist

Ps – the #Fitspiration Monthly Content Club is ROCKIN’!  Have you checked it out yet?  Each month I’m sending out a fresh batch of super useful content:

  •   12 exercise explainers – in image, horizontal and vertical video formats
  •   8 workouts – using the 12 exercises – in both horizontal and vertical videos
  •   A calendar listing 4 weeks of workouts, tying it all together
  •   Tracking sheets for all 8 workouts so participants can stay engaged and really see progress!  

This is a complete package of content – to help you engage & support your tribe. 

New content is coming out each month.  DEMO how all the content works – and even download the demos as freebies for you to use in your business.  Learn more here -> https://whitelabelworkouts.com/