TripleSet Chest & Back – Your FREE White Label Workout of the Week

Hey hey!  It’s White Label Workout day!

Ro here, from bringing you this week’s workout … This is the second week in our 4 week LIFTING series … all leading up to the launch of our newest full online fitness program – called LIFT! 

Today we’re rockin’ from the front to the back … focusing on the chest & back with a spicy triple set burnout!

There are 2 triple sets in this workout … 1 for the chest & 1 for the back.   3 exercises in each .. blast out 10 reps each, 3 times through.

Watch the video to see the workout in action … 

We’ve made it so easy to brand these workouts to YOUR business and share them as your own. I love creating & providing you with these each and every week!  Use them to help build your brand. 

Simply click the links below (choose either horizontal or vertical format) … drop in your logo, update any fonts & colors to match your brand … then share away!

Click to edit & download the horizontal video 

Click to edit & download the vertical video 

Yes … It’s me in the video .. simply say that I’m on your team – you can give me any title you want. I usually just use the Online Fitness Specialist. Or you can say that we collaborate and create these together. Whatever works best for you.

How to monetize from these videos … 

You’ll see the last screen is inviting the viewer to ask about the full LIFT online workout program.  You can either keep as is and promote the LIFT program, easily turning it into cash for your business … OR … you can change that screen to anything else you’re currently promoting. 

So with this workout video you’re offering something of value, free … then encouraging the viewer to take a next step. This is the perfect funnel sequence.

NOTE: The LIFT program is currently in PRE-launch now with our BLUEPRINT members … and will be fully released Aug 1 to everyone.  It’s a 6 week online fitness program inspiring & encouraging everyone – all ages and fitness levels – to LIFT!  

Use this week’s workout of the week as your own. Click those links above … get editing & sharing!  And be watching for the full release of LIFT coming at ya next week.

As always – if you ever have any questions, or need a little extra help in your bsuiness – I’m here for you. Let’s strategize and create the perfect plan to help build YOUR business! My door is always open for you.

Keep sweating, shining, & slaying it online!

Ro ~ Your Online Fitness Specialist

Ps – need more white label workout content?  Check out our Fitness Business Blueprint.  Literally everything you need to rock out your fitness business online is included – from marketing , to client programming, to support.  It’s all in the blueprint.  Plus – it comes with a fully loaded functioning website!  Learn more here