Day 3 Deal: The 21 Day Gold Star Challenge

I am SO excited for this one!  Welcome to day 3 of the White Label FITmas Daily Deal Party!  Today we’re featuring my favorite tool to use with my own personal clients – the GOLD STAR STICKER

Yup – a gold star sticker ⭐ ⭐⭐

I’m always fascinated by what people will do – and how incredibly motivated they become – when there’s a GOLD STAR STICKER on the line!

Seriously coaches – if you’ve never tried using this tool for motivation, you MUST try it with your crew!  You’ll be absolutely BLOWN AWAY by how many more people stick with the program and follow through with it! 

That’s why I’m so excited to share today’s daily deal with you.  It’s my aboslutel favorite, most popular selling challenge on the store.  This is The White Label 21 Day GOLD STAR CHALLENGE!

What you get with the white label 21 Day Gold Star Challenge:

  • 5 days of PRE-launch marketing posts – these posts are designed to help you generate the BUZZ about your upcoming challenge
  • 21 days of pre-written post captions with workout images & videos!  All white label editable CANVA files.  Add your own logo – easily adjust any fonts, colors and styling to match your brand …
  • 21 day workout calendar – that follows along with the posts, and has spots ready to go for the STICKERS!

Everything is white label and editable.  Rebrand it and share it with your crew!

You can offer this as a FREE challenge, OR you can SELL it for whatever makes sense in your business.  You have full freedom here to use this content however it works best for you.

The 21 day GOLD STAR Challenge is our DAILY DEAL today in our 12 Days of FITmas Deals party!

🎉 Grab this challenge 75% off!  Today, Wednesday December 13, ONLY!   

Act fast – the daily deals are just that.  DAILY deals so they’re only here for 24 hours!

WHY am I doing this FITmas Deals Party, you may be asking?  Because I wanted a FUN way to get this content into the hands of the coaches that need it most.  I wanted to make it as EASY as possible for coaches to get their hands on this content – and USE IT in their businesses.  These tools are here to help YOU be more successful in your online coaching business.  To help YOU make more money online.  

I hope you’re having as much fun with the FITmas Deal Party as I am!  Stay tuned … there’s still SO MUCH MORE coming your way!  Day 4 is coming at ya tomorrow …

To your MASSIVE online coaching success,

Your Online Fitness Specialist  … Ro 🙂