[Brand as your own workout] Kicking off a new 4 week HIIT series – with a CLASSIC CARDIO circuit!

Super excited to be sharing workout #1 on our newest 4 week white label workouts series – HIIT!  

We’re blasting out short HIGH INTENSITY intervals – as we celebrate the launch of our updated white label workout program – The 10 Minute HIIT!

In this update, we’re completing the full package.  It’s not just the workout videos anymore.  You’ll now get the 2 week pre-launch marketing plan, an Intro to HIIT 21 day Challenge (to use as a lead magnet), the complete workout program with 10 full follow along guided workout videos, a brand new client success guide with the calendar, tracking sheets, tips & so much more …

I’m just putting the finishing touches on the update, and I’ll be adding it into the Blueprint Members page within the next day or 2 – so blueprint members, be watching for it.  The full update will be launching to the public for purchase on Sept 1.  More deets to follow …

So let’s get into this week’s white label workout … CLASSIC CARDIO 5 Minute HIIT!

I’ve included 5 of the most popular ‘classic’ moves in this short, heart-pumping’ session …

  • Jumping Jacks
  • High Knees
  • Burpees
  • Skaters
  • Mountain Climbers

Check out the video to see the workout in action …

Brand this workout as your own!

This is my FREE gift to you, each and every Sunday.  Use it – and rock it!

The videos are super quick & easy to edit in Canva (free account).  Simply drop in your logo in the placeholder, adjust any fonts, colors and styling to match your brand, then share away!

Click here to edit & download the HORIZONTAL video >

Click here to edit & download the VERTICAL video >

You may notice that I’ve updated the template for the horizontal video to be more ‘full screen’.  I did this last week for the vertical video, and got a bunch of awesome comments back from you guys on it.  So I wanted to update the horizontal template to match in awesomeness.

Please – if you ever have any suggestions at all on my templates or workouts … or really anything I’m creating … or that you want me to create – I’m here and listen to ALL comments.  I want to make products that you feel good about sharing – that you want to share – and that BRING YOU BUSINESS.   I am always here for your suggestions.  Reply back anytime!

Another note:

Since this workout video is helping us launch the 10 Minute Hiit program, you’ll notice the last screen invites the viewer to ask you about the program.  I highly recommend you purchase the program (Blueprint Members – you get it free automatically in your account) … as these weekly workouts will help walk you through the full sale of it – easily putting MONEY in YOUR POCKET.  

But – if you don’t want to promote this program, no problem 🙂  You’re welcome to edit that screen and promote whatever you’re currently selling.  You have full freedom with these videos to edit them to whatever works best for you in your business.

FAQ – 

A question I get asked a lot – perhaps you’re thinking it too – what’s the difference between these free weekly workouts & the full programs?  

Here’s the answer .. 

These weekly workouts are just short ‘snippets’ or ‘summaries’. They are not full workouts and they don’t have any supporting materials. 

These snippets are meant to be shared on your social media just to provide some content juice to help you build your audience. 

The full programs – that’s where you monetize.  That’s where you make money and build your business. 

The full programs are your client programs that you sell.  They come with FULL LENGTH workout videos – where I’m talking, cueing, guiding, and inspiring the viewer the whole way through.  We warm up together, we do the full workout together, we cool down together. 

Plus – the programs come with calendars & tracking sheets to keep your clients engaged and coming back every day to press play & sweat!  

Yes – it’s me doing the coaching in the videos – you simply say I’m the online fitness specialist on YOUR team!  I talk all through the videos about being on the team – so it all flows.  It’s not about me – it’s about the team (you & me) working together to help get your clients results!

Learn more about all the different workout programs here … 

Questions?  Comments?  Suggestions?  Just want to chat?  Reach out anytime!  I love hearing from you … 

Go rock out with Classic Cardio!  

Stay awesome,

Ro – your online fitness specialist