Your FREE White Label Workout – the Push & Dip Challenge

Your White Label Workout of the week is here!  This week we’re PUSHING & DIPPING!  

Hey!  It’s Ro – the Online Fitness Specialist from – bringing you an UPPER endurance challenge for you to share with your crew.

I’ve called this week’s workout the PUSH & DIP challenge!

We’re supersetting (alternating) Push Ups & Triceps Dips.  

20 seconds of work each – 10 seconds of rest between – repeat both 5 times for a total of 5 minutes!

Watch the video to see the moves in action …

WOWZERS this is a FUN one!!  Challenge your crew to this upper endurance challenge.  

These weekly workouts are FREE resources for coaches to brand as their own and share away.  If you’re seeing this – you have full permission to use this workout too 🙂  Simply choose if you prefer horizontal or vertical video – then click on the links below to be taken to CANVA (free account) where you can add your logo, edit any styling to match your branding, download and share.

Click here to edit the HORIZONTAL video for this challenge >

Click here to edit the VERTICAL video for this challenge >

For those who are new to my White Label Workouts and you’re questioning how this works with ME coaching in the videos instead of you (I get asked how to handle this all the time!!) 

Here’s how to explain why it’s ME in the videos …

You just explain that I’m on your team and we collaborate to build these challenges, workouts & programs together.  You’ve hired me as your online fitness specialist to deliver the workouts.  This system works really well for so many coaches who use my workouts.

NOTE – I highly recommend promoting something at the end of these videos – and monetizing from it

I’ve given you a placeholder screen for you to easily insert something and monetize from it.

Why do I recommend this?  Well – You’ve just provided something of value to your viewers with this workout – so it’s the perfect time to ask them to take another step – to purchase a program, coaching, workout, or whatever you’re selling.

The end screen of this video promotes our White Label XPRESSFIT Workout program – a white label 8 week full fitness program.  If you have this program, you can simply leave that screen in and link them into that.  If you don’t, you’re welcome to change the wording on that screen to promote whatever you’re currently selling to your clients in your funnel.

Don’t yet have a sales funnel?  Need help creating one?  Need more white label workout content? I’ve got you covered … 

Attract & engage your crew with our 21 day Online Fitness Challenges.  These challenges are perfect for posting in FB groups, or in your app where you want to build a community and engage with your crew.  21 days of posts, images & videos are all done for you.  Learn more about our White Label Fitness Challenges here

Convert your crew to happy, paying customers with our full white label workout programs.  These programs come with full length workout videos (approx 30 mins ea) … 6-12 week calendars, workout tracking sheets, client support materials and more!  AND!!  Each program comes with a 2 week marketing plan to help you easily SELL the programs.  It’s all done for you.  Learn more about our white label workout programs here

Looking for the MOST content and the BEST value?  We’ve included EVERYTHING for all 5 stages of online business success.  Literally years of workout content is here for you.  Content to help gain clients, service them, and keep them coming back as happy, paying customers.  Yup – all done for you.  Simply drop in your own logo and share away.  Learn more about our Online Fit Pro’s Business Blueprint here

Questions?  Comments?  Feedback?  I’m here and I LOVE to chat with you!  Reach out anytime:

Together – Let’s ROCK your online fitness business!

I’m here for you – every step of the way – supporting you & cheering you on!

Let’s have an incredible week!


Ro 🙂