White Label Workout of the Week: Total Crusher … and a Holiday Program Update

Happy WOWday Coaches!!  I hope your weekend was absolutely wonderful – filled with family, friends, fun, rest, and lots of JOY 🙂

Can you believe we’re heading into our final week in October??  The Holiday season is just about here … read on as I have a SNEEK PEEK at the NEW PROGRAM & CHALLENGE launching just in time for the holidays here at WhiteLabelWorkouts.com – that will EXPLODE your fit biz!!!

First – this week’s WOW …

This is our final WOW in the series with both Halloween and standard videos.  Choose which one fits best with your business.  You have FULL RIGHTS to edit away however you’d like, and share with your audience.  Drop in your own logo, change colors, fonts and any styling.  Make them your own and share away!  

The WOW is my gift to you, and all fitness and wellness coaches.  Use it weekly to help build your business.  Yes – free for you – no catch.  Just enjoy!

This week’s workout is a Total CRUSHER … or a Candy CRUSHER for those using the halloween theme.

The moves:

  • Lunge & Curl – 60 seconds alternating legs
  • Oblique Squat Twist – 60 seconds alternating sides
  • 1 Leg Deadlift & Row – 30 seconds right, 30 seconds left
  • Hay Baler – 30 seconds right, 30 seconds left
  • Plank shoulder taps – 60 seconds alternating sides

Repeat again for every 5 candies eaten! OR – for standard theme – Repeat 3-5 times

Here are your videos for this workout.  Again – edit away and make them your own.  Choose the ones that are best for your business …

ROCK the Crusher circuit with your crew!


I wanted to give you a quick update on what’s cooking in the White Label Workouts Studio.  Ooooooo I’m so excited for this one!!! 

I am creating a DUAL PURPOSE program for you.  The program is called THE 28 DAY JOURNEY TO FIT.  It’s a 4 week Functional Fitness program geared at all levels – with 5 workouts a week:  Pull, Functional Lower, Push, Total Tabata, and Recover.   AND!!  There’s a HUGE focus through this program on building healthy habits using the HEALTHY HABIT GUIDE.  This program is a holistic approach to health – with fitness, nutrition, rest, and mindset all worked in.

The AMAZING thing with the support materials that I’m creating for you, coaches, is you will have the option of using this program anytime through the year (it’s evergreen!) – OR – I’m also creating another set with this program called HEALTHY THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS!  

Same program – but I am giving you TWO branding options – so you can use it through the holidays, or anytime through the year.  HUGE BONUS AND VALUE!!

This program also comes with a 5 day challenge LEAD MAGNET – called THE 5 DAY JUMPSTART YOUR HEALTH CHALLENGE.  Each day through the 5 days we are focusing on a new HEALTHY HABIT (from the healthy habit guide).

AND!!!  If all that isn’t enough – I’ve got even more cooking!!  I am RELAUNCHING the 12 days of FITMAS challenge.  For those who have last year’s edition, (you already know how AWESOME this challenge was!!!) this year’s is going to be WAY suped up!  I am recording 12 days of  ‘healthy habit videos’ to go along with it!!  I had AMAZING feedback from this challenge last year – and this year is going to rock even more!!

If you’re looking for content to keep your crew engaged and HEALTHY through the holidays, then I’ve got you covered!!

EEEKS!  So excited to share all this with you!  

The 28 Day JOURNEY TO FIT … HEALTHY THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS … and the 5 Day JUMPSTART your HEALTH CHALLENGE will all be launching the first week of November.

Then … the 12 Days of FITMAS Challenge will be launching Mid-november.  

I hope you’re as excited as I am!  OKIE – I’m probably WAY more excited as I know all the AWESOME that’s going into these programs!!  YOU are going to be a ROCKSTAR for your crew when you share these with them!!  I’m so excited for YOU!!

Now … Take a breath … and go download today’s WOWs – then stay tuned for these HOT new programs coming soon!


Ro ~ The Online Fitness Specialist