Lower Focus HIIT: Your White Label Workout of the Week

Hey Coaching Crew!

WooHoo!  September is here!  Who’s excited for fall to be here?  It’s definitely my favorite season!  

And happy labor day long weekend.  Shoutout to all who are working hard towards your business goals – striving for more – building your business around your families and helping others along the way.  This labor day weekend – I acknowledge YOU .. all your hard work & dedication.  I celebrate you.  YOU are AWESOME!

What else can we celebrate today?  A Hiit LEG DAY party!!

Let’s jump right into this week’s White label Workout … this is week 3 in our 4 week HIIT series.  Today is LOWER focused HIIT!

Want to know a great way to spike the heart rate, withOUT needing to jump around?  Work BIG muscles!  Hello LEGS!!

Watch the video to see the LOWER HIIT workout in action …

Brand this workout to you 🙂  

If you’re seeing this – you have full rights to edit this workout, adding in YOUR logo and matching it to your branding.  Feel free to edit away and make it your own.

It’s super easy to do .. click the links below for either horizontal OR vertical (or both!).  They will take you to Canva (free account) where you can easily make your edits, then download and share as your own.

Click here to edit & download the HORIZONTAL video >

Click here to edit & download the VERTICAL video >

I’m super honored to be a part of YOUR team.  That’s how I recommend you explain why it’s me in the video, coaching your crew.  I’m on your team.  We collaborate.  We work together.  We’re a team.  And teamwork makes the dream work 🙂  We’re in this, together.

Missed the first weeks of this series?  Let’s get you caught up …

Week 1 – Classic Cardio HIIT >

Week 2 – Bodyweight Burner HIIT >

So excited to share the last session in this series with you next week.  I think it might surprise you what I’m adding in here – in a HIIT series! But I promise you’re going to love it –  It’s going to be EPIC!!  Stay tuned for next Sunday for that surprising hiit workout ..

And a reminder – these HIIT workouts are all helping to lead YOU into sales with your crew.  I am here to help you easily make more money with your online fitness business.  I’m here to help you attract more people – engage with them – and gain new paying customers.  That’s what I do – it’s my mission that I live out every day.  How can I help make YOUR fitness business more profitable for you?!

Be sure to grab your copy of the 10 Minute Hiit White Label Workout Program.  I recommend you sell this full program for between $49-$99  – but test your pricing with your crew.  Everyone will be slightly different with what they can charge, based on a few factors. 

Note- If you have multiple programs, I recommned you build a membership site – building a recurring income stream for you, super easily.

Grab your 10 minute HIIT white label workout program here >

Or – learn about ALL our programs in our Fitness Business Blueprint to build your membership site with recurring revenue here >

One last thing before I sign off for today …

I’m looking for suggestions for what you need for your business.  What content would help you most?  

Looking at the calendar – here we are in September – ready to rock it into Q4 … and I’m heading into brainstorming and planning mode for 2024.  What would you like to see from WhiteLabelWorkouts.com next year?  

I’m here in service to YOU – so what would help you most?  Social media content?  Fitness Challenges?  NEW Full length workout programs?  Would you like to see an assortment of trainers?  Would you like to see any training or HOW TOs?  

Reply back – let me know if there’s something you wish you had in your business.  Or something that’s doing really well that you want MORE of.  I’m on it!

Looking forward to all your replies 🙂

And with that … I’m signing off and heading to the beach with the fam.  We’re soaking up every last moment of summer!

All the best to you my wonderful coaches!


Ro ~ Your Online Fitness Specialist

Founder & CEO WhiteLabelWorkouts.com