Has your January absolutely FLOWN by, just like mine has?? WOW what a whirlwind it has been! 2024 is off to an EPIC start – and I am over the moon excited to have you with us, in the WhiteLabelWorkouts.com community.
We are building momentum in our fitness businesses. We are making waves in the fitness industry. It’s happening, friends!
Let’s dive into this week’s edition – packed with FREE white label content for you to rebrand and reshare in your business …
In this Newsletter …
- Your White Label WORKOUT of the Week: 5×5 Total Shoulders
- Your White Label EXERCISE EXPLAINER of the Week: Rainbow Lunge
- This Week’s Trainer Tip: From Strength to Cardio
- Just in time for HEART/LOVE Month: A White Label 21 Day Heart-Pumpin’ Challenge!
The White Label WORKOUT of the Week:
For this workout, we’re blasting out a 5×5 Total Shoulder workout. It is a total body session, with a focus on the shoulders. OOOOOO I LOVE working shoulders!! You??
This the 5×5 – so it’s 5 moves, 5 reps each, 5 times through. Note – each of these moves are alternating moves, so 1 rep is counted as right AND left.
Brand this workout to you …
Click the links below to head to CANVA (free account needed). Slap on your logo, make any extra edits you’d like to match your branding, and share away!
Edit the video in HORIZONTAL mode >
Edit the video in VERTICAL mode >
The White Label EXERCISE EXPLAINER of the Week:
What an amazing response I got last week from this new series!! I’m so excited y’all are so excited about EVEN MORE white label content each week.
The White Label EXERCISE EXPLAINER of the Week is officially a part of this weekly newsletter! Whoop Whoop!
For this week, we’re rocking the RAINBOW LUNGE!

Benefits of the Rainbow Lunge:
- 🌟 Targets the inner and outer thighs, as well as shoulders & back
- 🌈 Engages the core for stability
- 💪 Works on balance and coordination
- 🎉 Adds a creative twist to your workout routine
Learn more & Brand this Exercise Explainer to YOU …
Your editable CANVA links to this EXERCISE EXPLAINER, in both image and video formats are on the blog here: Rainbow Lunge: White Label Exercise Explainer >
Want even more white label exercise explainers, and workouts to get with them? Get 12 new exercises, AND 8 new workouts every single month with the #Fitspiration Monthly Content Club. Learn more >
Ro’s Trainer Tip for this week:
This week on the blog I talked about Strength vs Cardio: Decoding the Fitness Conundrum.
I know for me, and so many of the clients that I work with – it’s a constant debate. Should I be focusing more on strength or cardio training?!
Both are awesome – and both have amazing benefits. But they accomplish different things and serve different purposes.
I broke it down and gave some tips in my blog post. You’re welcome to check it out here: Strength vs Cardio: Decoding the Fitness Conundrum >
LOVE / Heart Month is just about here!
I am all set & ready to SPREAD THE LOVE in this upcoming month 🥰 What about you? Do you have your LOVE focused content all ready to go? Need a hand? I’ve got you boo.
I am opening up the vault and sharing the Heart-Pumpin’ 21 day fitness challenge, for a limited time.
I use this challenge every year with my own clients (they LOVE IT!!), but I haven’t shared it as white label for other coaches in almost 2 years! I’ve decied to open the vault and share this year. But it’s only available during HEART month (from now until the end of February) .. then it’s going back in the vault …
Check out the 21 day HEART-PUMPIN’ Challenge!
This is a white label challenge, that has 21 days of posts all written for you. 21 days of workout video clips – all done for you. There’s even a week of pre-challenge marketing (to get the buzz going about your upcoming challenge) – already done for you.
NOW is the perfect time to be sharing a heart-piumpin’ challenge – as we’re heading into LOVE month 🙂 That’s the whole focus of this challenge … and it’s the perfect time to be sharing this with your crew.
Grab the White Label HEART-PUMPIN’ 21 day challenge – at 75% off (for a super limited time!)
How else can I be of service to you in your business? I listen to ALL requests – and that’s why you’re seeing some changes with this newsletter. People have been wanting MORE – and I am so excited to be sharing MORE 🙂
What do YOU need in your business? What would help to make this year – 2024 – the most epic year in your business ever? I’m here to help. Let’s set up a call and strategize – and together, build something that you are going to be so amazingly proud of! I can’t wait to see it. I know you’re building it – and it’s AWESOME!!
Questions? Comments? Feedback? Reply back anytime. My door is always open for you.
Xoxo ~ Ro ~ Your Online Fitness Specialist
Founder & CEO, WhiteLabelWorkouts.com