Your White Label Workout of the Week – SLIDER 6’s

Hey coaches  – Ro here coming at you with this week’s White Label Workout.  For this week, let’s challenge our crews to an epic full body workout … using plastic plates??

Yup – we’re SLIDING this week – on plastic plates or dish towels.   This workout is called slider 6’s – and all moves use ‘sliding’ as our resistance.  We can use official ‘sliders’ .. or plastic plates work just as well.  Depending on the surface, dish towels also work great here!  Your crew just needs something to ‘slide’ on.

Watch the video to see slider6’s in action …

6 moves (all using sliders) … 6 reps each.  Repeat 3-6 times.  

Challenge your crew with this week’s white label workout – a free resource for coaches to brand as their own and share away. 

Click here to edit & download the HORIZONTAL video >

Click here to edit & download the VERTICAL video >

What can you edit on these videos?  Anything!  

I give you the Canva files – you can edit as much or as little as you like.  Drop your logo in the place holder, then go from there.

Where can you share these workouts? Anywhere!  

Use them with clients, share in your social media, website or blog, or anywhere you’d like some extra content. 

Can you monetize from these videos?  Absolutely!  

Add a screen at the end and feel free to promote whatever program or service you’re currently selling.  Need content to sell?  I got you covered.  Check out my assortment of white label workouts at  … 

Yes!  It’s me in the videos – simply say that you’ve hired me, or collaborated with me, and we build the programs together. 

Any other questions about HOW TO use these weekly workouts?  Reach out and ask away.  Email me anytime at  

I’m Curious – how do YOU use the weekly workouts?  Reply back – I’d really like to hear how these workouts help you in your business. 


Did you hear about all the awesome that went down on our how to build a thriving fitness business webinar last Friday??  I had a TON to teach & share .. and the feedback from the coaches is awesome!!  They especially all seemed to LOVE the cheat sheet I shared – that has them all worksheeting and diving into a whole new plan for business building. 

You’re welcome to check out the replay – and be sure to grab your fitness business building cheat sheet.  It’s another amazing  free resource for you my coach friend 🤩

Click for the REPLAY of our How to Build a Thriving Online Fitness Business Webinar >

TONS going on here around the WhiteLabelWorkouts office.  If you ever need any help with content – or business strategy – feel free to reach out.  Email me anytime –

Have an AMAZING week, coaches!!

In service to YOU …

Ro 🙂

Ro Little ~ The Online Fitness Specialist