Kicking off 2023 with a WOW!

Welcome to 2023 Coachies!  It’s our FIRST WOWday of 2023 … and your White Label Workout of the Week is coming in HOT!

This week’s workout is appropriately named the 2023 KICKOFF Workout … 

Let’s kick off the year together … and get set up for an absolutely EXPLOSIVE 2023.  This is our time to really kick things into high gear.  People are looking for us. They’re looking for solutions. They NEED us. I am SO excited for us – and all the AWESOME that we are doing & creating, together 🙂

So let’s get this 2023 PARTY started and get right into this week’s workout …

Here are your links to the EDITABLE videos for the 2023 KICKOFF Workout:

Click HERE to edit the HORIZONTAL video in Canva >

Click HERE to edit the VERTICAL video in Canva >

What can you do with these videos?

Use them however you’d like to help build your online fitness business. 

  • Post them on social media
  • Share them with clients on your website, blog or app
  • Use them however you see is best in your business

You have full freedom here.

Drop in your own logo – update any styling that you’d like to match your branding. Make them yours.

The WOW (White Label Workout of the Week) is my gift to you.  I provide one workout for FREE each and every Monday (I call it  WOWday!)  The videos are super easy to edit – so you can add in your own logo, change any styling – then share away.

It’s all done for you. 

Yes – It’s me coaching in the video .. which is my most asked question from coaches.  

“How do I explain that it’s YOU, Ro, in the video and not me??”

I’ve created a system that’s so simple, and works SO well to explain this!   You’ll see that in the video I say that I’m the Online Fitness Specialist on YOUR team.  So it seamlessly looks like I’m your employee.  Instant credibility for you 🙂   

And- this flows so well into the full workout programs.  I keep showing up in your fitness programming – and your clients get to know me as a member of your team.

Best part – I’ve created literally EVERYTHING you need to run your online fitness business – from attracting tons of new online clients – to providing them with years of fitness programming.  

I’ve created it all already for you.  It’s all part of the Online Fit Pro’s Business Blueprint.  It’s done for you – you just have to turn the key.

Want to learn more about the Online Fit Pro’s Business Blueprint?  The 5 stages of DONE FOR YOU content include:

  • ATTRACTING your ideal audience
  • ENGAGING and  building trust & authority through fitness challenges
  • CONVERT your crew into PAYING customers with irresistible offers and multiple programming options for all clients
  • SUPPORT materials for impeccable tracking & progress
  • SCALE – keep repeating!  Over & over.

All the content, from your social media marketing to client programming is all done for you and ready to rock.  

Want to learn more about the 5 stages of DONE FOR YOU content in the Online Fit Pro’s Business Blueprint …

Alright coachies … the NEW YEAR’s BOOM is here!! People NEED YOU more than ever right now. Get in front of them. Show them what you’ve got. Be in service to them. Love on them. And just live in joy & gratitude for this incredible opportunity to save and help lives.

Thank you for being on this journey. We make a difference 🙂

In service to your MASSIVE success,

Ro ~ The Online Fitness Specialist