[FREE RESOURCE for Coaches] ABS & A$$ – a White Label Workout to brand as your own

Week 2 of our white label BOOTY workout series is coming at you today … and for this week we’re bringing the CORE to the party, in a super fun way!

Today’s workout is called ABS & A$$ – and it’s a great way to work these 2 important muscle groups together.

The core encompasses the full trunk of the body – the front AND back.  The tummy and booty.  

To have good balance, stability, control, posture, strength – AND to make daily activities easier, more efficient and safer – training the full 360 degree core is crucial.

Help your clients move & function better by sharing this workout with them.  Check out the video below to see this week’s workout in action …

This video is created WHITE LABEL – so you can easily edit it to make it your own.

Here are your links to edit & download these videos.  You can choose from horizontal (best for youtube)  or vertical (stories & reels) … or use both!  Whichever fits best with your business.  

These links take you to CANVA (free account) where you can easily drop in your logo in the placeholder … update any fonts, colors & styling to match your brand .. then download your work and share away …

Click here to edit & download the HORIZONTAL video >

Click here to edit & download the VERTICAL video >

Terms of use:

If you’re seeing this, you have full permission to use these videos to help promote your business.  Modify however you’d like and make it your own – then share away.  You can share them on your social media, on your website, in your app, with clients … however you’d like.

“But it’s YOU, Ro, in the videos and not me??  How does that work??”

This is my most asked question!  You’re probably thinking it too …

YES – It’s ME coaching in the all the workouts. So how do you explain why it’s me in the videos coaching your clients – without taking any credibility away from you?  

I’ve created a system that’s honestly so simple and works SO WELL for all the coaches that use my programs …

You simply say that I’m the Online Fitness Specialist on YOUR team.  That we have collaborated and built these workouts together.

Collabs are where it’s at these days!  Being a part of a TEAM is so important to success.

Throughout all my workout programs, I talk about being a part of THE team – so I make sure that everything flows with this. 

We collaborate.  You have a team working for you.  Easy peezy – and this actually gives you amazing credibility in the client’s minds.  AND – because I’m taking care of the online content creation – now it FREES UP your time so you have more time to spend personally connecting with and supporting your clients.  Win win for everyone.

Interested in learning more about my full workout programs?  Did you know that I offer a suite of white label workout programs and challenges to help you easily build your profitable online presence? All of my programs come with full length workout videos – all the client support materials – AND full marketing plans to help you easily attract, engage, and CONVERT clients.  All done for you.  Simply drop in your logo – and share. Remember – we’re a TEAM and we collaborated building these programs 🙂

Check ‘em out … Learn more about my INDIVIDUAL white label workout programs here >

OR … get the FULL library of programs, challenges, and everything else you need to successfully run your online fitness business in the Online Fit Pro’s Business Blueprint.  Learn more about the Fit Pro’s Blueprint here >

Questions?  Comments?  Feedback?  I truly LOVE hearing from you!  Reply here or email me directly at hello@whitelabelworkouts.com  and let’s chat … anytime!

Stay AWESOME – and together let’s create a MAGICAL MARCH! In service to helping you build your profitable online presence …

Ro ~ The Online Fitness Specialist