Your Weekly White Label Resources: Featuring the 1-Weight Wonder Workout

Your White Label Workout Resources for the week are up – and this week’s focus is ‘The 3 Planes of Movement’

In this newsletter:

  • Ro’s Trainer Tip of the Week:  A Deep Dive into The 3 Planes of Movement
  • The White Label Workout of the Week:  The 1 Weight Wonder
  • The White Label Exercise Explainer of the Week:  Lateral Shuffle Twist
  • White Label Healthy 7 is LIVE and ROCKIN’!

📢 Ro’s Trainer Tip:  Building Movement Mastery with the 3 Planes of Movement

I’m changing up the order of my newsletter this week as I want to kick things off with my Trainer Tip – as we’re talking about the 3 Planes of Movement.  And then we’ll put them into practice in our exercise & workout this week.

Our bodies are designed to move in 3 different planes – and as a coach it’s important to understand this and use all 3 in your client programming  💫

1️⃣  The SAGITTAL plane – forward & back movements

2️⃣  The FRONTAL plane – sideways movement 

3️⃣  The TRANSVERSE plane – rotating movements

By incorporating exercises that cover each plane, you’re getting a full-body experience that targets muscles from all angles. This not only keeps things interesting but also helps prevent muscle imbalances and reduces the risk of injury.  PLUS!  It prepares us to move better in their everyday lives. 

I wrote a full deep dive into the 3 different planes – discussing each in detail with exercise examples, & more tips & tricks.  

🔗 Read the full post on Ro’s Weekly Trainer Tip here >

🏋 Your White Label Workout of the Week: The 1-Weight Wonder

This workout is the perfect example of how to incorporate all 3 planes of movement.  Built into this workout are forward & back movements, side to side, and rotational – targeting muscles from all angles.   It’s a full body, functional training set.

The instructions for this workout:

  • 5 moves 
  • 1 weight needed 
  • 1 minute each 
  • repeat 3-5 times

The moves are:

  • Pendulum Lunges 
  • 1 arm Row & Kickback
  • Lateral Shuffle Twist 
  • Plank Dumbbell Drag 
  • Sit Up & Slice 

Check out the video below to see the 1 Weight Wonder workout in action …

⚡ ReBrand & ReShare this workout:

This workout is designed for you to add your own logo and share with your crew.  Feel free to update any fonts or styling to match your brand, then share.  Simply say that I’m on your team and we collaborate building these workouts 🙂

The links below will take you to CANVA where you can easily make your edits.

🔗  Click to edit & download the 1 Weight Wonder in HORIZONTAL video >

🔗  Click to edit & download the 1 Weight Wonder in VERTICAL video >

Give it a go with your crew and let me know what they think of this workout …  I love your feedback 🙂

Next up … 

💪Your White Label Exercise Explainer of the Week: Lateral Shuffle Twist

Keeping with our same theme of the week, focusing on planes of movement, our exercise this week is the Lateral Shuffle Twist – which works in 2 planes of movement.  And- this move can be seen in action in our workout of the week.

I made a whole post about this move earlier this week … where I talked about the HOW TO … coaching cues, common mistakes, and how to incorporate this move into your workouts.  

Check it out, and grab your white label files to edit this exercise in image, horizontal & video form.

🔗  Learn more & grab your links to the Lateral Shuffle Twist here > 

Love these explainers and want MORE??  I create 12 new explainers every single month, and share them with my #Fitspiration Monthly Content Club.  Learn more about the #Fitspiration Monthly Content Club here > 

💥 White Label Healthy 7 Program 💥

WOW What a fun week it has been!!  The Healthy 7 Pre-Launch Party was a HUGE success – and I’m already hearing from you guys how much you’re loving the content!!  Especially that there’s now a week long yoga program!!  That has been one of my most requested items, and I’m thrilled it’s finally here!

Thought I’d share what Shane J. sent me … he ordered his White Label Healthy 7 last week.  Just 6 days ago actually.  Here’s what he sent me today …

“This is amazing Ro!  I can already tell this program is going to be my best seller.  I wanted to share these numbers with you (and this is just with my small audience!) …

I started the marketing posts you provided on Monday (took me about an hour to brand all the materials.)  It’s now Friday …. 

I’ve sent out 17 follow up quizzes that came with the program

6 people have ordered

7 others I’m still chatting with

And there’s still another whole week of more posts to share before we’re actually launching!  Messages are still coming in.

I have already tripled my investment in 5 days.  And I know there are many more orders coming in before we launch next Monday.

THANK YOU Ro.  We’re all so excited for this 7 weeks.”

Shane J.

I LOVE getting messages like this and hearing from you guys about your success with the programs.  I know there are many others – please send them to me! 

Maybe YOUR business success story will be next? 

🔗 Learn more about our latest & greatest White Label Workout Program – Healthy 7 here >

All the materials are all done for you.  Simply drop in your own logo, and follow the step-by-step marketing system to make the sale.  Then share the program.  Everything is done and ready for you.  You can be tripling (and WAY MORE!) your investment in 5 days just like Shane just did.

Give it a go … I promise your business & your clients will thank you for it!

Not quite sure how our White Label Content could work with your business?  I’m here to help. Let’s book a discovery call and chat personally.  I’m happy to strategize with you and figure out what would work best for you – in your business.  Everyone uses these programs a bit differently – let’s figure out a plan that works for you.  

🔗 Book a Discovery Call today and let’s chat personally >

I’m here in service to you & your business.  To help you be more successful – while working less.  To make online fitness coaching easy, and profitable for you.  Reach out and let’s chat about it – anytime!

Much love,

Xoxo ~ Ro ~ Your Online Fitness Specialist