Your White Label Workout of the Week: STRENGTH

Your white label workout of the week is here – a free weekly resource for coaches to brand as theirs and share in their business.   

Hey!  Ro from – bringing you a STRENGTH workout to share with your crew.  All that’s needed are light & medium dumbbells.  

Watch the video to see this workout in action …

You’re welcome to use this business building resource & with your crew. Simply click the links below to be taken to Canva – edit any styling to match your brand … drop in your logo .. and share away!

Click to edit & download the HORIZONTAL video 

Click to edit & download the VERTICAL video 

Frequently asked questions … 

Are these videos really free to use?  


I share these free white label workouts each week … and I hope you find them useful in your business.  Then – should you ever need any further white label fitness content, I hope you’ll keep me & my programs at in mind. 

But it’s you, Ro, in the videos coaching & not me??

Yes, that’s correct.  I create these videos so it’s super simple for you to edit as your own, so it is me doing the coaching.  How to explain this to your crew?  You simply say that you’ve either hired me, or collaborated with me.  You explain that I’m the online fitness specialist on YOUR team and we build these programs together.    You’re so smart delegating in your business 😎

How can I monetize from these videos?

After sharing valuable content with your crew is the perfect time to make a sales invite.  The last screen in this video has a spot to share whatever you’re currently promoting.  This week’s workout fits in perfectly with promoting our newest online workout program – called STRENGTH & MOBILITY.  That is the perfect sale from this video.  But – you’re welcome to change that screen and sell anything you’d like from it – or remove that screen entirely.

You have full freedom to do whatever edits you’d like to these videos.  Drop in your logo – change any fonts, colors & styling to match your brand, then share away!

Questions?  Comments?  I LOVE hearing from you!  Reply back anytime!

And I’ve got a question for you …. I’m doing some market research.  From all these WOWs that I share, which has been the most popular with YOUR crew?  I want to continue to service you and provide the most helpful content, so let me know which content has been the most valuable and brought you the most engagement & sales.  I’ll do more of THAT for ya!  🙂

I hope MAY is off to a rockin’ start already for you … let me know if I can be of service in any way.  I’m here in service & support – to help you build your online presence.

Much love,

Ro ~ The Online Fitness Specialist