White Label Workout for Oct 10: WICKED Core Supersets!

Happy Monday – and Canadian Happy Thanksgiving from my home (in Canada) to yours.  Just wanted to say that I super appreciate every single one of you.  I LOVE hearing from you – getting your emails and messages – and I love just being here creating for you.  Thank you for being on this journey with me 🙂  

OK – that was my moment of gratitude – now let’s get to the WOW – to your White Label Workout of the Week …


NOTE – I am providing you with BOTH options – a Halloween theme, and a standard theme in case you prefer to not use the ‘Spooky & Wicked’ theme …

For this week’s White Label Workout … we have 3 SUPERSETs all core focused.  Alternate the 2 exercises in each superset 3 times.  Each move is 30 seconds with 15 seconds rest between. 

The Supersets are:

Superset ONE:

  • Leg Extensions 
  • Thread the Needle (both sides)

Superset TWO:

  • Twisted Bicycle 
  • Low plank punches 

Superset THREE:

  • Bridge & Reach 
  • Downdog to Plank

Here are your assets for this workout:

Want to include HOW-TO image tiles for these moves as well?  These 6 exercises are part of the EPIC EXERCISE LIBRARY … along with over 100 more moves!  All exercises in our WOWs for this year come from this library – so it’s great to have – if you want to share this kind of content.  It is totally optional!  It is not necessary to share these with the WOW videos.  But … if you want the next level in content sharing, here it is 🙂  AND!  Use code WOWsave50 to save 50%!  Click to LEARN MORE about the EPIC EXERCISE LIBRARY >

Question for you: How would you feel about having these WOWs done LIVE, in addition to the white label content as is sent here??  I’m thinking of starting a NEW SERIES where I invite EVERYONE onto a LIVE workout on zoom once a week.  Thoughts on that?  

Once again, as I’m celebrating Thanksgiving here in Canada today – I wanted to send you a MASSIVE THANK YOU for being on this journey with me.  I appreciate you so much!!

Reach out anytime with any questions or suggestions.  My door is always open for you …

Ro Little – The Online Fitness Specialist