Go For REPS – Your White Label Workout of the Week

Hey Coaches,

I posted an article recently on the 7 ways to UP the intensity withOUT Upping the weights – and I thought it would be super fun to use this as our next series for our weekly white label workouts.  

If you haven’t seen the article yet – you can check it here … https://whitelabelworkouts.com/7ways-to-up-intensity-without-upping-weights/

These 7 powerful tips are things that I use all the time in my programming.  Especially since I focus mostly on HOME workouts – our participants don’t always have the BIG weights to work with.  So I’ve learned to get very creative with how to up the intensity without needing to use bigger weights. 

From this list, I find I use #1, 2 & 3 the most – Upping reps, playing with tempo, and changing the range of motion.

Coming up in my programming over the next few months, I’m planning on really zoning in on 4 & 5 – which are playing with the pillars of support & working isometrically.

7 is always a popular one – and that’s losing the weights entirely – whether it be for bodyweight or banded workouts.

Number 6 is definitely a fun one – and one you might not expect.  I don’t bring it out often, but when I do – it’s always a party!  You’ll have to check out the article to see what 6 is, haahaa!  I’m curious if YOU ever use this one in your programming?  

If you want to learn more about these 7 tips to upping the intensity, check this out:  https://whitelabelworkouts.com/7ways-to-up-intensity-without-upping-weights/

… Okie … so let’s get into this week’s white label workout … we’re going to be using #1 from this list … GO FOR REPS!!

5 moves – 30 reps each.  Yes – 30!  Stick with a light to medium weight for that many reps!  Repeat the circuit 3 times.  And yes – that’s 90 reps per move.  THAT’s how to increase the intensity without increasing weights.

Watch the video to see the moves in action …

Share this workout with YOUR crew …

Click the links below to edit the files easily in canva.  Drop in your own logo – make any styling changes you’d like – then share away 🙂

Click to edit & download the REPS workout in HORIZONTAL mode >

Click to edit & download the REPS workout in VERTICAL mode >

I’d love to see what YOU do with these workouts.  Feel free to TAG ME when you share them.  



Question 1:  Which tip (from the 7 ways article) should we use for next week’s workout?  Reply back – I love hearing from you.

Question 2:  Do YOU have any other tips that you use to add to the list?  I’d love to hear – I know there are many more ways.  What’s working for you and your crew?  Please share …

It’s already to middle of September! (how did that happen??!!!)  The time is NOW to UP the intensity – in your workouts AND in your business.  There’s so much awesome happening.  Can you feel it??  

Together, let’s UP THE INTENSITY!  

Together, let’s GO NEXT LEVEL!

We’ve got this!

Have an absolutely outstanding week,

Much love,

Ro ~ Your Online Fitness Specialist

Founder & Ceo WhiteLabelWorkouts.com