Skip to the CORE – your White Label Workout for Dec 12 is up …

Happy WOWday coachies!

I love making Mondays FUN for YOU by sharing NEW workouts for you to use in your business … and this week’s WOW is just posted.  

Your workout this week is called SKIP to the CORE.

I’m so excited for you to check the new format for this week’s Workout.  I’m always trying to come up with new ways to make my service better …and I’m really excited about this update. I had great feedback last week to my voice-overs … so I thought I’d take it to the next level with this one.  You like?   What do you think of this format for the WOW this week?  (reply back … I LOVE hearing from you!)  Watch the video here ..

Here are the links for YOU to edit & download this exact video to use in your business …

Click to edit & download the HORIZONTAL WOW in Canva >

Click to edit & download the VERTICAL WOW in Canva >

A few reminders:

YES – this is TOTALLY FREE for you to use!  I love creating and sharing 1 workout a week with you – my coach friends.  Use this workout however you would like in your business.  Post on social … post in a group … share with clients.  Whatever works for you.  

Be sure to drop in your own logo so it’s coming from your business .. and feel free to make any styling updates to match your brand.  You can change colors, fonts, etc …  Full freedom to make it yours.

How to explain that it’s ME in the video and not you?  Simple 🙂  You just say that I’m YOUR online fitness specialist on your team.  I mentioned that in the video, so it flows really nicely.  I’m basically your employee – giving you instant credibility.  But you don’t add me to payroll.  And – Christmas bonuses are optional, lol!  

Enjoy this week’s WOW.  And feel free to tag me when you post it.  I’d love to see and come give you love …

LIKE my Workouts and Service?  I’d SUPER appreciate a REVIEW 🙂

I’m just now getting my Google page all set up, and the reviews section is super lonely.  I’d really appreciate it if you could take a few moments and drop a review my way?  And, as a thank you, I’ll email you a special coupon code for taking the time to share your thoughts. 

Click to submit a GOOGLE Review

If you also want to share on my Facebook page too, that would be awesome as well.  Here’s that link …

Earn discounts for sharing your opinion.  I’ll email you with a special code after a review is submitted – to say thanks – and you’re AWESOME!

Stay Tuned!  SO MUCH awesome is Launching Dec 20!

While I have you, I wanted to give you a quick update on what’s coming down the pipeline at! 

My very first white label program, from 2 years ago, is getting a whole new UPDATE – and I am LOVING it!!  Tabata 2.0 is just about ready – and I am bringing all the passion, excitement, enthusiasm and AWESOME from my very first program, to this new update.  I’ve learned a thing or two over the last 2 years, and I am jacked to be updating this classic and truly epic workout program.  It’s launching Dec 20.

AND!!  Along with TABATA 2.0’s launch, is another update.  The Complete LIBRARY is being rebuilt and re-branded as … The Online FIT PRO’s Business Blueprint!!

Whoop whoop!!  This is going to be the BIGGEST and most AWESOME resource for any and all online fit coaches.  EVERYTHING is included.  I mean EVERYTHING.  It’s a complete, turn key online fit pro’s business in a box.  Social media posts … lead magnets … client workout & support materials … and anything else imaginable to help build an online fit biz.  It’s all included.

December 20th is a BIG day at  Get ready for it 🙂

Can you tell I’m a bit excited??!! Haahaa – there’s so much in the works. I’ve got so much coming to help YOU have the absolute BIGGEST year EVER in YOUR business in 2023. Let’s link arms and do this together.

The world needs us. The world needs passionate and excited online fitness coaches. We’re here for this … together.

In service … with massive love & enthusiasm for what we do …

Ro ¬ The Online Fitness Specialist