Upper Strength Circuits … Keepin’ it Real … and a RESTRUCTURE coming!

Your White Label FREE RESOURCES of the week are up!  Our theme this week is on BEING REAL.  How to make deeper connections with others coaching as your authentic self!  We’re diving into this topic for our workouts, and also for our businesses …

In this newsletter:

🩷 Ro’s Trainer Tip of the Week: The Power of Being REAL – and using your authentic awesome self to make deeper connections with others

💪🏻  The White Label EXERCISE EXPLAINER of the Week:  Curl to press

🏋️‍♂️ The White Label WORKOUT of the Week:  Upper Strength Circuit

🧹  Spring Cleaning & Restructuring are happening at WhiteLabelWorkouts.com

🥳  HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!  I’m Looking for TRAINERS to Join my Content Creation TEAM!!  Know anyone??

🩷 Ro’s Trainer Tip of the Week: The Power of Being REAL

With over a decade as a fitness coach, and 4 years as the Founder, CEO, and Workout Creator at WhiteLabelWorkouts.com, here’s THE MOST important lesson I’ve learned …  

💡 To succeed long term as a health coach, either in person and especially online, it is absolutely crucial to showcase the awesome & real YOU that you are. 

Here’s what I know …  I’m a 46 year old mother of 3 teenagers.   I’m not an Instagram model and I certainly don’t look like the perfect ‘#fitfluencer’. 

Yet – my workouts are shared by hundreds of coaches, and followed by thousands of people every day, all around the world. 


💥 Because I’m real 💥

If you’re struggling in your business – I want you to really take a look at this concept, and see if it possibly applies to you.  So many of us are stuck in ‘imposter syndrome’ and living in a ‘fake‘ world – especially on social media.  Fake does not last long term and will not bring the results you’re after. 

For this week’s trainer tip, I really wanted to deep dive into a game-changing principle that can transform your coaching game and deepen your connection with your clients … the power of being REAL. 

In my deep dive this week, I talked about the 3 things I do in my business to keep it real, and why it is oh so important to make sure you’re sharing YOU, with all your beautiful and perfect imperfections.

I also talk about how you can still be real, AND use white label workouts to build your business at the same time!  

🔗  Read the full post on the POWER OF BEING REAL here >

💪🏻 Your White Label EXERCISE EXPLAINER of the Week:  Curl to Press

For this week, since we’re all about being real, I chose to focus on one of my favorite upper body strength moves – the CURL TO PRESS.

Real talk coming …

I know for me – in my body – my strength is in UPPER training.  At this point in my life, I know I’m not going to have perfectly defined 6 pack abs.  My tummy is not flat … I do not have the perfect #fitfluencer body – but people connect with me so much more because of it.  I embrace it.  

But what I know I CAN do … I know I CAN build & sculpt upper muscle definition.  It’s a strength for me – in my body.  So I wanted to share that and work on it today with you.

(NOTE:  My strength is not your strength.  I highly recommend you figure out what your strength is, and also help your clients figure out for them what their strengths are.  It’s so key to helping them feel successful and accomplished in reaching their goals!)

Let’s dive into the Curl to Press exercise – a killer combo that’s gonna sculpt those arms and get those shoulders popping! 💪

Check out the video to see the move in action …

⚡  Learn More, ReBrand & ReShare this Exercise Explainer …

For all the HOW To’s, Coaching Cues, Common Mistakes, AND your FREE White Label editable files for this exercise (in both image AND video), check out the blog post for all the deets!

🔗 Read the full post AND grab your white label FREE editable assets for the CURL TO PRESS here >

🏋️‍♂️  Your White Label Workout of the Week: Upper Strength Circuit

Just as our exercise this week was focused on upper, so is our full workout of the week!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE this circuit so much!!  This is a staple in my routine.

Anytime I can work purely Upper – with a strong focus on sculpting all around the shoulders, I am IN!!  And that’s exactly what this workout does.  

5 moves … 12 reps each … repeat 3-5 times

✅  Shoulder Press

✅  Back Flies

✅  Bicep Curls

✅  Standing Chest Press

✅  Triceps Kickbacks

Check out the video to see the Upper Strength Circuit Workout in action …

⚡ ReBrand & ReShare this workout with your crew …

As with each week, this is a FREE Resource is for YOU to use and rock out in your business, however it’s helpful for you. Share on social media, email newsletters, blog posts, client programming, your website, app, or wherever else you could use a content boost.  

Click the links below to grab the white label editable files – drop in your own logo – update any fonts, colors & styling to match your brand – then share away … 

🔗  Click to edit the white label UPPER STRENGTH in HORIZONTAL video >

🔗  Click to edit the white label UPPER STRENGTH in VERTICAL video >

🧹  Spring Cleaning & Restructuring are Happening at WhiteLabelWorkouts.com

Heads up!  Spring cleaning is about to go down at WhiteLabelWorkouts.com 🧽 🫧🧼

I haven’t restructured at WhiteLabelWorkouts.com since the end of 2022 … and it’s so time!!  

I’m spring cleaning the website, making it flow much better, and much easier to access the content you’re looking for.

Over the next couple of weeks, you will notice content moving around the site.  Some content is being removed & heading into a vault .. and some prices are going to increase slightly as I restructure and go to a new format.

A quick heads up on the new format …

A brand new monthly membership is coming, where you’ll get a constant flow of new, full-length follow-along workout video programs!  

Basically – the current #Fitspiration Monthly Content Club & the Fitness Business Blueprint are merging & having a super awesome baby 🍼🐣🎉💕

A lot more details will be coming out soon .. just wanted to give you a heads up that if there’s something on the site you’ve been looking at, now is the time to jump on it as content is being restructured, some content is leaving, & some prices are increasing over the coming couple of weeks … 

As stuff moves around, if you can’t find something, have questions, or need any help at all – please email me at hello@whitelabelworkouts.com.  Happy to chat & help … 

💥🔊 The Most Exciting Announcement Ever 🔊💥

This is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a LONG time, but it just hasn’t felt right … until NOW …

I have decided to add a select few, hand picked team of trainers to the White Label Workouts content creation team!!  And I’m currently looking for the perfect trainers to join this team!!

Up until now, it has been just me creating all the content.  BUT!  With the new monthly content club coming, I want to have MORE content coming your way.  So I need help creating it all.  

And, I think it’s also time to get the content coming from other trainers, with different specialities and personalities.  I think this will be a really great addition to the new content club and the whole overall WhiteLabelWorkouts.com.

Are YOU … or do you know anyone – who may be a fit and would be interested in creating white label workout content for us? 

Here’s an application form to fill out for interested trainers … and more specific details to follow …

🔗 YES! I’m interested in Joining the Content Creation team at WhiteLabelWorkouts.com >

We’re keeping it REAL this week at WhiteLabelWorkouts.com.  I hope you’ve enjoyed this content.  And next week – get ready for GROWTH!!  CHANGE and GROWTH are the topics coming you way … and I am definitely feeling it right now.  

We can still stay REAL and true to ourselves, but grow and become MORE at the same time!  

SO MUCH awesome is in the works.  So much amazing to help YOU be more successful in your online fitness business.  That’s the goal.  That’s the mission.  To create the BEST white label workout resources on the planet – to help YOU be more wildly successful than you ever dreamed possible!  Together – as a team.

Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter, to those who celebrate.  

And HAPPY SPRING to all 🌷🌼🪻

Much love,

🩷  Xoxo ~ Ro ~ Your Online Fitness Specialist

Founder & CEO, WhiteLabelWorkouts.com